The net working capital ratio in-
creased from Q2 to 10.4% in Q3,
driven primarily by a high activity
level towards the end of the quar-
ter. FLSmidth successfully com-
pleted a directed issue of new
shares, raising proceeds of DKK 1.4
billion to fund the acquisition of TK
Mining, in combination with debt
Net working capital
Following five consecutive quarters of improve-
ment, net working capital increased as expected
to DKK 1,735m at the end of Q3 2021 (end of Q2
2021: DKK 1,305m). The increase related primar-
ily to an increase in trade receivables due to high
project and invoicing activity towards the end of
the quarter. Also, net working capital from dis-
continued activities increased by DKK 117m in Q3
(see note 8). Other liabilities decreased due to an
extraordinary payment to the Danish Holiday Al-
lowance Fund of DKK 68m. Utilisation of supply
chain financing increased in Q3. The net working
capital ratio increased to 10.4% of 12-months trail-
ing revenue (Q2 2021: 8.2%) and ended the quar-
ter slightly below the level at the beginning of the
Cash flow from operating activities
Despite the higher EBITDA, cash flow from oper-
ating activities (CFFO) declined significantly to
DKK -192m in Q3 2021 (Q3 2020: DKK 594m),
mainly due to the net working capital increase of
DKK 494m, as compared to a net working capital
decrease of DKK 311m in Q3 2020. In addition, fi-
nancial items and taxes paid increased com-
pared to Q3 2020.
Cash flow from investing activities
Cash flow from investing activities declined to
DKK -61m (Q3 2020: DKK -105m). Q3 2020 in-
cluded investments in new production facilities in
North America and a new service centre in East-
ern Europe.
Free cash flow
Free cash flow (cash flow from operating and in-
vesting activities) adjusted for business acquisi-
tions and disposals amounted to DKK -253m in
Q3 2021 (Q3 2020: DKK 489).
Net interest-bearing debt
As a result of the completed issue of new shares,
raising proceeds of approximately DKK 1.4bn, net
interest-bearing debt (NIBD) decreased to a small
positive net cash position of DKK 16m (end of Q2
2021: DKK -1,159 m), and financial gearing was
0.0x (end of Q2 2021: 1.0x). Excluding proceeds
from the capital increase, the financial gearing
was 1.1x at the end of Q3 2021.
Financial position
By the end of Q3 2021, FLSmidth had DKK 6.8bn
of available committed credit facilities of which
DKK 6bn was undrawn. The committed credit fa-
cilities have a weighted average time to maturity
of 3.8 years. DKK 1.6bn of credit facilities will ma-
ture in 2023 and DKK 5.0bn will mature in 2026.
The remaining DKK 0.2bn matures in later years.
In addition, FLSmidth has a credit facility commit-
ment specifically for the purpose of funding TK
Mining, in combination with the proceeds from
the completed issue of new shares.
Equity ratio
Equity at the end of Q3 2021 increased to DKK
9,983m (end of Q2 2021: DKK 8,369 m), mainly
related to the issue of new shares, but also due
to the positive profit for the period. Conse-
quently, the equity ratio increased to 45.6% (end
of Q2 2021: 39.7%). Adjusted for the issue of new
shares, the equity ratio was 39%.
Acquisition of TK Mining
On 29 July, FLSmidth and thyssenkrupp Indus-
trial Solutions AG reached an agreement that
business (TK Mining). Closing of the transaction is
expected in H2 2022 and is subject to customary
approvals from relevant authorities.
On 6 September, it was announced that
activities in India are ex-
cluded from the final transaction. Consequently,
the total consideration (enterprise value) for TK
Mining will be reduced by EUR 45 million (ap-
proximately DKK 335 million) to EUR 280 million
(approximately DKK 2.1 billion). FLSmidth already
has a strong presence in India and the TK Mining
activities in India are not strategically important
for the transaction. The exclusion of the TK Min-
ing activities in India will not affect the transfer of
as part of the overall transaction. In 2020, the TK
Mining activities in India delivered revenue of
~EUR 100 million. TK Mining (excl. TK Mining ac-
tivities in India) delivered revenue of ~EUR 680
million (~DKK 5.1 billion). The exclusion of the TK
Mining activities in India has no impact on the ex-
pected synergies and integration costs.
The acquisition of TK Mining is a transformational
largest and strongest suppliers to the mining in-
dustry. Funding of the acquisition has been se-
cured through a combination of debt facilities
and proceeds from the issue of new shares
which was completed on 10 September 2021.