The Audit Committee
The Audit Committee consists of Mr. Tom
Knutzen (Chairman), Ms. Anne Louise Eberhard
and Ms. Gillian Dawn Winckler who are all inde-
pendent and have considerable insight and
experience in financial matters, accounting and
auditing in listed companies.
In 2020, the Audit Committee met seven times
sider specific financial risk, including tax risk, ac-
counting and auditing matters, as well as paying
special attention to financial processes, internal
control environment and cyber security. A partic-
ular focus area in 2020 has been to assess the fi-
nancial risks associated with the COVID-19 pan-
demic and the related impact on liquidity and
cash flow.
The Technology Committee
The Technology Committee consists of three
Board members, Mr. Richard Robinson Smith
(Chairman), Mr. Thrasyvoulos Moraitis and Mr.
Søren Dickow Quistgaard. The Technology Com-
mittee met three times in 2020. The main tasks
in 2020 were to monitor the major development
projects across the two industries, to ensure the
right and appropriate KPIs are set for R&D across
both industries and to approve the strategic fo-
cus areas for the coming years.
Group Executive Management
Composition of the Management
The officially registered Executive Management
of FLSmidth consists of the Group CEO and the
Group CFO. In the first half year our Head of
Group Legal and Strategy was registered as part
of Executive Management on an interim basis.
Group Executive Management holds overall
responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the
Group and consists of nine Group Executive Vice
Presidents, including the CEO. The members of
the Group Executive Management are all
experienced business executives, each
possessing insights and hands-on experience
that match the practical issues and challenges
currently facing FLSmidth.
Effective June 2020, Mikko Tepponen joined
FLSmidth as Chief Digital Officer and a member
of the Group Executive Management. Tepponen
arrives with proven experience in driving trans-
formation journeys in other large industries, in-
cluding Wärtsilä and Outotec. He has a track rec-
ord of employing digital solutions as an enabler
for more sustainable and resource-efficient prac-
In July 2020, Roland M. Andersen joined FLS-
midth as Group CFO and a member of the Group
Executive Management. Roland brings 25 years
of solid experience and competences through
his time as CFO with public as well as private eq-
uity owned companies, including Torm, Telenor,
A.P. Moller Maersk and most recently NKT where
he played a key role in leading the company
through strategic transformation and acted as
CEO for a period of time.
In August 2020, Chief Procurement Officer, As-
ger LauritsenGroup
Executive Management team. For the past four
years, Asger has been responsible for our global
supply chain, which includes both our own facto-
ries and external suppliers.
Prior to joining FLSmidth in 2016, Asger had an
accomplished international career within opera-
tions, procurement and supply chain in senior
leadership roles at Norden, Maersk Line, DISA
and Rosti.
Due to family reasons Jan Kjaersgaard has de-
cided to leave FLSmidth. Jan joined FLSmidth in
March 2018 as President of the Product Com-
pany Division. In July 2018, he was appointed as
President of the Cement Industry, where he had
an instrumental role in establishing the operating
model for our Cement business.
Effective November 2020, Carsten Riisberg Lund
has been appointed as the new Cement Industry
President and member of Group Executive Man-
agement. Carsten has been with FLSmidth for 33
years in various roles, most recently as the Presi-
dent for Region Europe, North Africa and Russia
(ENAR). Carsten has also
mer Material Handling division and spent three
years as Managing Director in India.
Effective January 2021, Mikko Keto joined FLS-
midth as President, Mining Industry and member
of Group Executive Management. Mikko joins
FLSmidth from Metso, where he has worked for
10 years of which the last two years as President,
Minerals Services and Pumps, where he deliv-
ered growth in Services along with profitability
improvement. He also served as a member of
The appointment follows
cision to retire, having contributed strongly to
FLSmidth's Mining business since 2014. To en-
sure a smooth transition, Manfred has kindly of-
fered to stay with FLSmidth as an advisor for a
period of time.
Diversity in Board and
The Board of Directors of FLSmidth continually
evaluates the diversity of the Board and the
Group Executive Management as well as among
managers and employees. In connection with
recommendations and appointments, diversity is
deliberately taken into account when considering
the profiles and qualifications of potential candi-
At the end of 2020, women accounted for 33%
(end 2019: 33%) of the shareholder-elected
Board members, fulfilling the target that a mini-
mum of 25% of the members elected at the An-
nual General Meeting should be women.
At the end of 2020, women accounted for 16%
(end 2019: 16%) of the total workforce, while 13%
of all managers were women (end 2019: 11%). At
the end of the year, we set a new long-term tar-
get for gender equality in our workforce. By
2030, we want 30% of our entire white-collar
workforce and 25% of our people managers to
be women. When filling management vacancies
externally, at least one female candidate must be
in the short list.
countries, the overall workforce naturally reflects
a multitude of cultures and nationalities. The
Board of Directors has set a long-term goal ac-
cording to which global managers (top 70)
should to a greater extent reflect the representa-
tion of nationalities among all employees and the
centres in Denmark (9% of the total workforce),
the USA (15% of the total workforce) and India
(24% of the total workforce).